Monday, August 31, 2009

It is oddly quiet in this hotel tonight. It is the beginning of a new week and almost a new month, but where have all of the customers gone?...

Sometimes I stand up at the front desk wondering to myself what the guests are doing in their rooms. Are they sleeping, talking on the phone, picking their noses, or even watching inappropriate shows on the free cable provided upon their stay here at the accommodating Best Western.

The smell of the freshly made chocolate chip cookies sitting out on a table just in front of my desk in the lobby is torture, especially with every glance I make in that general direction and every time someone stops to grab a couple on the way back to their room. HA. Not to mention it is more than likely NOT their first stop and attempt to choke down a few cookies.

It is looking a little rainy outside today as the sun starts to set. I am wondering if the rain will hold out long enough for me to make it home. I hate driving in bad weather at night, but I must admit that it has cooled the place off quite a bit. Perhaps it is almost time for fall.

Country music is lingering in the back round as I sit here wondering what I can do to make myself look busy. It is becoming slightly annoying hearing the same songs being played over and over again as if someone made a bad choice in burning a CD and forgot to change it. You know how country stations are. They really can wear a song out before you even have a chance to start liking it.

Well, I suppose it is about time to at least try to look busy. I probably should be going before I get caught using the free Internet services to my own personal benefit. Ciao!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Georgia Peach

It is a peacefull night. The only sounds I can hear are that of the birds winding down as the night creeps upon this small, quiet town in Georgia. There is no traffic, no noise, just the warm in the air and the love that I have for this place.
The moon is nothing, but a white haze as the clouds pass by gently over head. The trees are still and tall with pride, for there is not even the slightest breeze. Everything seems so still. It is as if it has become the "calm before the storm", but where is the storm? There is not a single rain drop in sight. Nothing, but the smell of Georgia pine, freshly cut grass, and a fine ending to a fine evening.
All and all, it is a good night. I cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings.


Picture Me

Engagement Pictures of some close friends of ours

Love is a Beautiful thing

This was taken during sunset. It was really hard
Trying to get the perfect picture.

Love Birds

This is their daughter Abbey.
She is so cute and adorable.
It was not hard to capture the perfect moment with her
because it comes so easily with her.

Hopefully with more experience soon, I will be able to post more pictures to keep you updated on my work. "The wedding" of the couple in the pictures above coming soon...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Sooo...I have this thing in my eye right?

It started during the night of the 9th and onto in the morning on Monday. I woke up with a terrible sharp pain coming from my right eye. Being all delirious and everything, I wasn't ruling out that maybe I had tons of eye buggers or something from having just woke up. However, after stumbling to the bathroom and realizing at the same time that nothing was coming out of my eye, I noticed in the mirror how red it was. I lifted up my eye lid to see two HUGE, red bumps just chilling underneath there like it was their home. What the...? It even reminded me of the Mucinex commercial with the little green dudes in someone's nose all making themselves at home.

All day long I felt the urge to just rip out my eyeball. I literally think that it would have been less painful. I tried all day to get my sis to look at it, but was ignored. It wasn't until later that night that I went upstairs, searching for the contact saline solution, that my sister offered me some antibiotic drops and decided to look at it for me. She flipped out and said that I should see a doc. NO KIDDIN! (love ya Cam)

After Cam talked to her best friend Christine, we all decided that since I can't afford a doctor that's more than likely going to tell me nothing is wrong, to look on I typed in the search engine, "bumps under eyelid." haha. The website seems to think I have something similar to a Stye. It's called ca dkaakjfiejaoiejfa...haha. I can't pronounce it and I don't feel like looking it up either. Deal with it.

So today, still no change. I have continued my eye drops and cleansing process. I have also applied a warm cloth to my eye for the relief. Still there. So I am expecting any day now to become a Cyclopes. I could be all like, "give me all your money, I am a cyclopes and I am creepy and you should do what I say!" Which is fine. I can deal with it. I might even invest in a weird looking patch to put over it. Maybe one with a peace sign symbol or something. That would be neat.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

My head has been in a cloud for a few days. I apologize for not writing sooner. It has been nothing but a constant whirlwind in my mind after I have been trying to find a decent job, still babysitting the spawn of Satan, still not working, trying to walk and run some weight off, and also not working.

I can tell it will be better in the near future and I might just jump off our roof if that's not the case. I have really been jamming out to Jefferson Airplane and INXS lately. I know right? What an odd combination. I am telling you though, that's what I love about music because I think any situation can be turned into a song. I LOVE IT!

I thought that on my quest to finding a job, that I would be able to catch up on some reading, but I found out that me not working has given me tons of energy. I want to be moving ALL the time and it has been hard to sit down and enjoy a nice book with my mind ev...SQUIRREL! hahaha

Oh and since I am on the subject...

Did anyone witness the Meteor Shower the other day because I sure as the hell did NOT?! My sister and I even checked online to see when the best time would be to see the burning balls or rock pass into our atmosphere and laid out underneath the stars with a few blankets and some good company. Apparently, NASA is full of shit because the last report was supposedly two per minute or 25 sightings per hour. I think I might have seen two all night. I am preparing to write a strongly worded letter to the people at NASA and let them know how much I do not appreciate false advertisement and would like to have one of the gravitational devices or perhaps a gyro thingy delivered to my house for all of my troubles. I would think with all the modern technology that they would have been accurate on what time was a good time to see the show or if there was even a show. Congratulations to all of those who got to see it because I am sure it was great, but even in an open field, looking straight up at the sky, with no lights, I DID NOT SEE ANYTHING! I mean we supposedly put someone on the moon. Come on. We even did it before China! (as my sister pointed out) We don't ever do anything before China and there we were, landing someone on the moon, with a freakin' flag pole for crying out loud. How in the hell were we mis-informed about this stupid Meteor shower? Someone tell me please? It is all a conspiracy I tell you.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Few Pointless Things...

It rained today. Just thought you should know. It sucked because I didn't get to go walking again today. It really hurts my feelings.

Me and my sister and brother-in-law have went through a case of 16 pkgs of yogurt in the past 24 hours. With only 130 calories, the vanilla flavored cream is amazingly delicious. Don't judge me!

The phone rang this morning and automatically I knew it was my father. I didn't answer. I also knew at that point it was about my grandparents for some reason. I called him back. WHOOT WHOOT, I was right.(Not that I was happy about this next part. just excited I knew something before I was told.) They both got hospitalized today. Apparently I have awesome psychic powers.

This girl I know called me five times today to ask me if I wanted to go to the bar. "like, oh my god Ashley, you NEVER go to the bar with me." This is true. I do not like this girl, nor do I ever do ANYTHING with her. I moved down here to Georgia about 2 months ago to get away from all of my alcoholic friends back in KY. This would also make the 110,837,398 time I have told her this. But apparently she has been drunk every time we have spoken about it and forgotten.

I keep replaying the same songs over and over and have been for like three weeks now.

The dog keeps eating my underwear. Not entirely sure why, but she also eats the toilet paper. That has to mean something right? My underwear is definitely losing the battle.

I swore I was going to bed early tonight and well, HERE I AM! I think I should start taking drugs or something. Ones that make you really sleepy. Anyone know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody? Cool.

I am now watching bits and pieces of Talladega Nights which would make the hundredth time I have seen it this month.

Wow. You made it to the bottom. Congratulations! Everything so far has been absolutely pointless but thought you should know. Thanks for sticking around.

Peace out!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

We Need to Talk!

Dear Darling Bed,

So, I know how much you do not like confrontation, but I think in order for us to continue this relationship in a healthy manner, we need to get some things off of our chest. By "our", I mean "me".

First, I want to start off by saying that I am not comfortable anymore when I sleep. You tend to cause me constant pain in my neck and back in the middle of the night and I do not appreciate it anymore.

Second, I don't like that your head board seems to make you look shorter. I am not used to having one in previous relationships with other beds. I prefer a box spring and a mattress on the floor. Please do not assume that I am trying to change your looks or anything, I am just not used to some physical features you have about yourself.

You cause my arms to fall asleep every night. I know that during the day you are always so tough and hard, but I think that it is unfair when you tell me to relax at night and you do not follow your own advice. I just wish you would soften up a little when we are together.

I have constantly stumped my feet on you because of your big frame and how it sticks out all the time. Normally I would not complain about your frame, but things are starting to become physical and I want you to know that I am not going to put up with it. You will find yourself floating in a river somewhere if it happens again. I am just saying. I know people!

I was also thinking about your attire. None of the sheets I own fit you anymore and I am concerned. I refuse to go buy more when you act the way you do and I've considered getting rid of you. At the same time, I love you, but I am long past enjoying the neon green sheets you are wearing now. It bothers me and you wear them all the time. It is time you tried to fit into something else or at the very least try and be a little nicer so I can reward you with better fitting.

With all of that said...

I want to thank you for listening to my somewhat harsh criticism and allowing me to sleep on you every night without falling apart, even though it is uncomfortable at times. I know it has not been easy and I appreciate it.

P.S. I hope this letter does not make things weird between us.

Your friend,

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Details of Being a Pisces...

Pisces is the zodiac sign that symbolizes "Imaginative and sensitive. Compassionate and kind.Selfless and unworldly. Intuitive and sympathetic". To become a Pisces, you must be born within the days of February 19- March 20. I, myself, was born on March 2nd, 1987. We are the sign of the sun and Pisces comes from the Latin word meaning: Fish.

In more detail of this Zodiac and my own personal information, we are calm natured, lovers and not fighters. We see the good in most things or situations. We are passionate, caring, loving. We have an obsession with tartar sauce and sour cream, we live in the moment and love taking walks. Our Favorite band is The Beatles, and our favorite song in the whole world is "Angel From Montgomery" by John Prine. We like to know everything and fall hard when we love. We hate Nicholas Cage and Tom Cruise, and for that matter, we hate all scientologists. "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is now our favorite movie. We like making out,(preferably in the rain)Love being in the dark, we have journals that make no sense, we laugh hysterically. Sometimes, more often than not, we say stupid stuff. A lot of times there is no point to our conversations, or no ending. We don't eat breakfast but love breakfast food, we stay up late for no reason other than we are afraid we will miss out on something. We sing even though we can't, dance even though it is horrible and love laughing about it later. We like bonfires and love the sound of a guitar being played. We love shout outs and karaoke, even though it is terrible. We are scared of the the movie "The Never Ending Story" and love the holidays of Halloween and the fourth of July. We are big history buffs and hopefully soon we will be able to own a V.W. bus and drive across country. We hate being tickled, love coffee, want to name our hypothetical child Lennon, dig shaggy hair, hate road construction and the mail man. We like being scared sometimes. We enjoy very much the reaction people have driving down the road when they see us singing and dancing in our car. We love concerts and live shows, like hotel bedding, hate the way old people smell, love old houses, hate spiders, want to go to New York, walk on Abbey Road in London, dieing to go to Ireland, hate the idea of a cliche proposal and wedding, likes sweet tea, homemade cooking, don't go to church and hate people who preach about us not going to church. Our favorite color is blue, we like to landscape and are very good at it, love how old people will talk for hours, hate those who take life for granted, spoiled kids, ppl that don't make their kids behave or whip them, enjoy bike riding and adrenaline rushes.

Well I think that is the gist of what us Pisces are about. Ok, well mostly that story was about me but you would be surprised at how much the same signs have in common. It is rather insane. I believe a lot in the Zodiac and my horoscope is usually never far off. Thanks for reading, see you around.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Oh The Weather Outside is....

For three days now, rain has flooded, misted, sprinkled, and drizzled across the southern Georgia area. As nice as it has been to have the rain cool down the place since the weather here is ALWAYS extremely HOT, I must say, it is bringing my mood down. Normally on rainy days I feel relaxed and care free, by today I feel care free and just plain lazy. Not that it should really matter because after all, it is Sunday. Where I come from there is one day a week that, should you choose to be, you are allowed to have a break. The only thing wrong with this is that I haven't gotten much done in the six days prior to today.

The house is clean, movies are waiting to be watched, the nephew is playing his newly rented Star Wars game, and all that is left to do is continue to be lazy and perhaps cook supper. I am not really sure what sounds good at the moment, but in time, when I decide to move, my stomach might just say that it is interested in some hamburger helper tonight. I'm not entirely sure though. Sometimes you cannot count on your body parts to tell you everything. I just take what I can get.

So movies, dinner, comfy clothes, and a peaceful night seems to be in order. Hope all is well out there, tune in next time.


Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Day in the Life of...

Hello friends,

I am no writer, poet, or even a good speller. I come to you and bring the happiness, sadness, good moments, and not so good moments with me, to share with you, a little of who I have become.

The long road has not been easy, but has most certainly been interesting. I cannot sit here and complain about the life I have lived for, it has been a good one. I have not had it worse or better than any one person. I use the moments that have been tough to grow from and the moments that were great, to cherish forever.

You may find that I am perhaps weird, quirky, insane, funny, and always enjoying the moment. I like mostly to be involved with music no matter what it is that I am doing. It brings me a feeling of relaxation, or motivation, depending on the type of music of course. Plus I feel like I am "in tune" with most songs that I listen to. (no pun intended)

I am a struggling guitar player who would rather listen to someone playing the guitar rather than take the time to learn myself. I prefer to sit outside with friends around a bonfire, playing good tunes, and having one or two cold ones. I am calm at heart but restless a lot of times. I want to know EVERYTHING! Not gossip, but just things that benefit life in itself. History interests me very much. I try to see the good in everyone but also understand that you cannot help someone who does not want to be helped. I enjoy good conversations that have no meaning or no end. The ones that just evolve into something starts a ring of laughter and then no one knows why they are laughing. I have a journal I keep that makes absolutely no sense, not even to me. It is here and there with everyday events. Quotes from some of my favorite authors, lyrics from some of my favorite songs, and pictures that were drawn simply out of shear boredom.

I come from two very different families. My parents were divorced when I was three and I cannot say that I blame them. I caught both ends of the deal and sometimes I feel like I am being pulled in two different directions in my head. I have four siblings, three sisters and one brother. I am the second oldest. You may recall my oldest sister. Her name is Cameron and she currently runs the blog spot called She is an inspiration to a lot of readers as well as myself.

So it is this that somewhat makes up bits and pieces of who I am and have become. Little winding threads weaved through 22 years of growing, laughing, wonderful memories that were being made. I hope that you will follow me and enjoy what you read. Please, take a look around, and until next time. PEACE!
