Monday, August 31, 2009

It is oddly quiet in this hotel tonight. It is the beginning of a new week and almost a new month, but where have all of the customers gone?...

Sometimes I stand up at the front desk wondering to myself what the guests are doing in their rooms. Are they sleeping, talking on the phone, picking their noses, or even watching inappropriate shows on the free cable provided upon their stay here at the accommodating Best Western.

The smell of the freshly made chocolate chip cookies sitting out on a table just in front of my desk in the lobby is torture, especially with every glance I make in that general direction and every time someone stops to grab a couple on the way back to their room. HA. Not to mention it is more than likely NOT their first stop and attempt to choke down a few cookies.

It is looking a little rainy outside today as the sun starts to set. I am wondering if the rain will hold out long enough for me to make it home. I hate driving in bad weather at night, but I must admit that it has cooled the place off quite a bit. Perhaps it is almost time for fall.

Country music is lingering in the back round as I sit here wondering what I can do to make myself look busy. It is becoming slightly annoying hearing the same songs being played over and over again as if someone made a bad choice in burning a CD and forgot to change it. You know how country stations are. They really can wear a song out before you even have a chance to start liking it.

Well, I suppose it is about time to at least try to look busy. I probably should be going before I get caught using the free Internet services to my own personal benefit. Ciao!
