Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Georgia Peach

It is a peacefull night. The only sounds I can hear are that of the birds winding down as the night creeps upon this small, quiet town in Georgia. There is no traffic, no noise, just the warm in the air and the love that I have for this place.
The moon is nothing, but a white haze as the clouds pass by gently over head. The trees are still and tall with pride, for there is not even the slightest breeze. Everything seems so still. It is as if it has become the "calm before the storm", but where is the storm? There is not a single rain drop in sight. Nothing, but the smell of Georgia pine, freshly cut grass, and a fine ending to a fine evening.
All and all, it is a good night. I cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings.


Picture Me

Engagement Pictures of some close friends of ours

Love is a Beautiful thing

This was taken during sunset. It was really hard
Trying to get the perfect picture.

Love Birds

This is their daughter Abbey.
She is so cute and adorable.
It was not hard to capture the perfect moment with her
because it comes so easily with her.

Hopefully with more experience soon, I will be able to post more pictures to keep you updated on my work. "The wedding" of the couple in the pictures above coming soon...